Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Lies of Agriculture

I'll admit, I have not always been pro-agriculture. Back when I lived in New Hampshire  I was convinced that farmers were destroying our ecosystems and our environment. I have been one of the lucky people that have " seen the light" so to say. Unfortunately  that is what people seem to think when they don't know about agriculture  They focus instead on what the media seems to tell them, which of course usually focuses about the bad things that are happening at exception farms. Once they see that Jonny is mentally ill and locked up all of his dairy cows to die one day, they automatically conclude that this is how ALL farms are. This couldn't be further from the truth.

First off, I cannot stand PETA. Of course, I completely agree with the idea of animal welfare, which is that we treat animals humanely and make sure during the process of production that they are comfortable and have plenty of food, water, room, and the proper medication. However, I do most certainly not agree with animal rights, the idea that animals should be treated as humans, period. If we were not using these livestock animals for production or research, they would not exist. So instead of using animals to find a cure for AIDS, they are more concerned with the idea that these livestock animals, which in fact during the research process  are treated well, should not be used for research that could save thousands of human lives. HELLO! There is something seriously wrong here, considering we could be finding cures or medicine to help treat not only AIDS, but cancer and other live threatening diseases. Plus, PETA also likes to take any little bad thing that is done in agriculture and blow it up to make it seem like this happens everywhere. I do, however, believe that the PETA that means People Eating Tasty Animals is very correct.

Second, these types of organizations spread the kind of bad news that gets to everywhere. These are the types of organizations that will find a single bad incident and spread the news like wildfire. They are really just trying to make people believe exactly what they think no matter the cost it has. This leads to people to believe the common misconception that farmers are simply raising the animals to make a profit. That also could not be further from the truth. Yes farmers are trying to make money, but only like every other American that has a job. The majority of farmers do care about their animals and what they are doing for the world, but they also need to make money to support their family like every other person out there.

Of course, there are those kind of myths that people who do not know anything about agriculture are going to believe, and the corporation world takes advantage of that. Like the idea that brown eggs, if produced in the same way as white eggs, are healthier. The only difference is the price unless they are produced different. Or the idea that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, and there are many more. This is why I want to go into agriculture, because people only hear the bad side of the story a lot of the time, and I want to give them the other side.

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