Sunday, January 27, 2013

All About Me!

Where to start. Well, I have a large family that sometimes gets a little crazy. Along with my parents and younger sister Mary, my grandparents also live with us. I also have two older siblings, both of which are married to some fantastic in-laws . Our way too intense card games and movie nights highlight us all spending time together. I also have the most adorable nephews EVER. Joey, who is three, and Drew, who is eighteen months, and is also my Godchild.  They are so much fun to be around, and I am lucky to be an aunt! I enjoy their ever changing obsessions with dinosaurs, Cars, and Finding Nemo.

Speaking of obsessions, you could say that I am on the road to one. I love, and I mean LOVE, football. And more specifically, Nebraska Football. Since I was a ten day old who was passed around the living room so Nebraska could win their 1994 football championship, I have had a serious attachment to the sport. And with the attachment to the sport itself comes to the attachments with certain players. Now, I've had my fair amount of crushes (okay, a lot of them) and some of those have come because of my love for football. The most prominent one is probably Rex Burkhead, who sadly has graduated this past winter. Teardrop. I curse those people who decided to not Redshirt him his freshman year.

Some other random facts of myself include that my favorite color is red, I love pasta Alfredo (who doesn't!?) and that I remember most of my dreams (which is kind of weird). I love movies, and romantic movies of any type top my list. I could watch The Notebook over and over again and still cry. Comedies, action, dramas, and animated are also fantastic, and some of my favorites include The Avengers, Dark Knight, Remember the Titans, and Forest Gump. I also have a strange love for Band of Brothers. I could watch all of them over and over again! I also love reading my fantastic Nicholas Sparks and Kristin Hannah novels, which usually end in those beautiful endings that don't usually happen in real life. But that's okay, a girl can dream, can't she?

I have a deep passion for something that most people wouldn't really expect, which is agriculture. Coming from the east coast, I didn't really have a clue about much of anything related to agriculture  But for whatever reason it has clicked inside my brain and I can't wait to further my career in it. I have gotten to do the sweetest things because of FFA, like take a trip to Washington D.C. for a leadership conference. I also got to go to the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute, where they had world leaders in food security (like Dr. Hillel, who is in the picture).  I want to travel to Africa and other countries and continents to see how agriculture works there, and I want to get the word out that it is so much more than just hick farmers doing their thing. We FEED THE WORLD here! I can't wait to begin my career, even though I don't really know what the exact career might be, but I do know I want to make a positive difference in the lives of many. And, best of all, I get to learn more and start my Ag Ed degree at my beloved school, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

There is one thing I haven't mentioned yet, and that is my amazing friends! I love them all to death and they are such an important part of my life. Even though I can be loud and sing maybe too much, we all remain friends through thick and thin. I swear we do the craziest things and have the strangest memories, from water balloon fights to having deep heart-to-hearts in our basements. I love all of our inside jokes and strange pictures that we take, and I seem to be happiest when I'm around them. It's going to really stink having to be away from them, but I know that if it's fate, we'll remain friends for quite some time!

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