Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Friend Zone Champ

One time I wish I could go back and redo...

This was hard for me to decide on, but in the end I think I've got it! So, I've liked my fair share of guys, including but not limited to, Rex Burkhead, Trevor Bayne, and many many more. So, of course, when I liked this last boy, I thought that this could maybe work. I had been told for quite some time that hey, you guys could maybe work out. And I had already felt something for him for a little while. Of course, I never had any feelings for him prior to this so it wasn't a big deal before.  But I decided that I would go for it and tell him.

Now, I just didn't jump right into this and tell him at some random moment. Oh, no. I planned it out to the T. I thought long and hard about how this would affect our friendship, because we were really good friends still when it happened. I planned it right before a four day weekend, so then if things went really bad there would be some time where we wouldn't have to see each other. I also did it at a place that I could leave right away, which was good too in case things got awkward. I was ready for this thing to go down, and I was generally sure that it wouldn't hurt our friendship in the long run.

So, it came the day. We were all headed out to the animal shelter and I was ready for it to happen. I was getting myself prepared and had talked to my friends throughout the day to make sure that things were going to be okay and they still thought I should go along with it. So, we were alone after walking a dog, and I decided this was the moment to do it. So, I basically told him that I had developed feelings for him that were more than a friend. Now, I had gone through what I thought was every possible response that he could have given me. From the super romantic "I feel the same about you!" to the "Oh, I would never EVER like you in that way, gross!" responses. But he didn't tell me either of those. He threw me for a loop because he turned to me and said, "You're lying!" Aca-scuse me? I was NOT expecting that one. So of course like the timid self I am in these situations, I told him I wasn't in a shy voice and drove my car off.

But, if I were to go back into this situation and re-do, I would have not run away. I would have given him a big bite on his you-know-what and given him one. I wouldn't have cared what happened after words, but I would have stayed and talked to him and about how that is not the way to respond to someone when they are doing the hardest thing possible for them to do. It's not like I said it in a joking way, he should know me well enough to know how I act when I am serious and nervous. I would have made sure my point was made and not backed down for once in my life.

All in all though, I don't regret doing what I did. I still don't think he for sure saw my feelings until awhile later, and when we talked about it the day after and things were awkward for quite some time there after. But we're still friends, we still hang out and it isn't awkward, but I don't think he fully grasped the fact that I was being serious. In fact, when I asked him another serious question, not about love this time, he still responded with the "you're lying" thing. It is not a response you should give someone, especially when it is as serious as it was. But hey, every girl has to get her heart hurt at some point in her life.

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