Sunday, February 10, 2013

No More Valentine's Day!

Even though America is only a few hundred years old, it has become a country full of its own tradtions. Some of those traditions are loved, but others should go die in a hole. In my own opinion, that one that should go die first off is (drumroll, please) Valentine's Day! It just so happens that this dreaded day Is coming up in just a few days. Double ugh! I hate this day for a number of reasons, which is odd considering I am a hopeless romantic.

First off, Valentine's Day is suppose to be based off of some saint. Well, in the lovely U S of A, it has basically become a holiday where couples or singles buy gifts for their significant other and are suppose to have some beautiful romantic dinner or something to celebrate. But honestly, what are we celebrating? Unless it happens to be your anniversary or something special, it is the exact same as every other day. Now I know some people are thinking that it's just like every other holiday, but most of the others have very good reasoning behind it, at least that is my personal opinion.

Secondly, Valentine's Day makes sure that people are put into two distinct groups. One of them is the "in a relationship or have a lover" group, those of whom tend to be happy. Of course they're going to be though! It's an excuse for a guy to buy a girl flowers or chocolates (or vise-versa). These people enjoy the day because they are reminded someone cares about them deeply. But then there is the other kind of group, the one I have found myself in. That would be the Forever Aloners. Now, that may seem kind of harsh, but we all know that if you are alone on Valentine's Day, you are reminded of it every single second of the day. And trust me, by 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it starts to get old. Thankfully, I have been lucky enough to have friends that are right there with me, but some people are not so lucky. These are the kind of people that use this day as an excuse to eat more chocolate than necessary and watch romantic movies alone. Yes, I have been known to be one of these people so I am allowed to hate.

Also, Valentine's Day sometimes turns into a nasty competition. Say Suzzy has a boyfriend Jonny, and he gets her a box of chocolate for this day. Now Suzzy's best friend Tala also happens to be dating someone, and he gets her a lovely diamond necklace. Suzzy gets jealous and who knows where her relationship goes from there. People get really jealous on Valentine's Day, and many of the people end up being crabby by the end of the day for no reason. I  say get rid of the day, celebrate your love on your own day, and for those single ladies out there, you don't have to feel bad!

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