Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kristin Stewart. Ugh

There are a lot of people I could probably tolerate spending time with in a twenty-four hour period. There are also very few people that I couldn't STAND to spend that amount of time with them. Kristin Stuart is one of those few people that I would rather shoot myself in the foot rather than spend time with her. She is so annoying and socially awkward. Like really awkward. She also is just like, ugh, I don't even know! I just do not care for her whatsoever.

The first thing that comes to mind on why I hate her so much is her speech. Holy crap, send that girl back to 10t grade speech class! I wish I could physically show you how she does talk, because I think it is hilarious. She like stutters all of the time and can't take less than five minutes to get one sentence out. It's like dude, how in the heck did you make it in Hollywood when you can barely talk! And I'm not just saying the talking in the movies, this has been in interviews that I have watched on her. She just doesn't get how to talk in a normal fashion, and I would probably slap her silly.

Second off, her emotional expressions: Are. Non. Existent. In all of the Twilight films and then even in real life, all she ever seems to do is just stand there with this awkward expression on her face. It's like seriously, lets be a real person here and not be a robot. It's the worst to sit there and watch that she can't even really act and yet she is so famous just because she got into a popular film franchise. I don't think I could stand her staring at me when I told a hilarious joke and she wouldn't laugh. Honestly, I would want to punch her right in the face.

Also, I just don't know if  I could ever look up to someone like her. One thing that really bothers me is the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend, and with a married man! I think that is just awful and absolutely disgusting. And the fact that Robert and her are now fine. Honey, if you cheat on a man you should not get everything back that you had before, and vice-versa. I just don't think she has the same morals that I do and it would really bother me to spend time with someone such as that. I don't think it's cool at all that she cheated on him, and I'm reasonably sure she was on something at the Oscars too. I don't think  I could ever stand spending one hour alone with her, let alone twenty-four. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Favorite Actor!

To decide on my favorite actor took a lot more time than my favorite actress. For me, it took some long hard thinking to decide who would be my favorite actor. There are just so many great ones! I think of Matt Damon, Chris Evans (mostly because he plays Captain America), Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and so many more! But in the end, I decided on an actor who I have really enjoyed watching, and that actor is Mr. Denzel Washington. He has been a favorite of mine for quite some time, and I really enjoy watching him act on film because he is just so great.
So, the first movie I remember watching with Washington in it was Remember the Titans. This is one of my all-time favorite movies ever! The story is one of the best, I think, and the acting all around, from a young Hayden Panitere to Will Patton to even Ryan Gosling is just amazing. I could seriously sit around and watch this movie over and over again. Denzel played a great actor in this movie, largely because I thought it was such a role that required passion, and Denzel definitely has that kind of passion to play a role like this one.

I also really enjoy watching him in a number of different movies. I really enjoyed The Great Debaters with him in it, and I thought that once again he played a role that required a lot of passion. That is probably the biggest thing I see in him when he acts. He takes on the role like no one else could, and I find myself watching in awe at his acting skills. I really enjoy watching him in movies like that, because he is great. Another more recent one was Unstoppable. Between him and Chris Pine in this movie, I thought it was unstoppable  The drama was so intense and really good. It's another one I could watch over and over again. And even though I haven't seen Flight yet, I am looking forward to his acting in that one.

I really admire the fact that throughout his career he has stayed out of trouble as well. I have read that he had a really troubled childhood, but the fact that from then on he has stayed out of that kind of trouble is really cool. I think he is a good actor that has been successful throughout his entire career and continues to be. He seems like someone who won't give up on anything and will continue to have an impact on the industry for time to come.

Favorite Actress!

Well, this one wasn't so hard to choose because there is one actress in my mind that seems to stand out. Drum roll  please! That actress would have to be Jennifer Lawrence. Now, even though I did really enjoy the  Hunger Games and such, that really isn't the reason I have come to like her. She seems like she is the most real out of all the actors and actresses out there. She isn't the best at interviews, but she does come off like a real person would if they were out there trying to be an actress in such a hard industry to work in.
First off, she honestly is a really great actress. The first time I saw her preform was in The Hunger Games. I thought she did a pretty solid job in the film, but I still like the books better, mostly because they played up the love story just a little bit more. Then, I got to go see Silver Linings Playbook in theaters, and I thought that she was absolutely outstanding. The way that she got into the role made you believe that she was actually this way. She made you laugh or want to cry on and off throughout the entire film, which was amazing. And of course, I think she deserves and Oscar for that role, because she was just so incredible at it.

But you could say that there are a lot of actors and actresses who can do that, and I think there are a lot of them that can. The thing that makes her stand out in my mind, though, is the way she acts when she is not acting. She has come right out and said that she is considered fat in Hollywood but she doesn't care. It's great to see, what I think, is someone that is really normal and doesn't fit that old Hollywood mold. She has created her own mold just for herself, and it doesn't include all of that random dieting and such. It is nice to have an actress that breaks that.

The other thing that I really do like about her is that she does take care of herself. You don't see her doing drugs or partying too much or any of that. You also don't see her gaining then losing a lot of weight like a lot of people in Hollywood do. Part of that, from what I have read, is that her family values play a part in how she acts, which is how it should be. She also has kind of an awkward presence about her, which I think is great because all you normally see is people that are so happy-go-lucky they can't even hold a smile anymore. She honestly is one of the most real people in Hollywood, and I admire that she has been able to keep it that way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Friend Zone Champ

One time I wish I could go back and redo...

This was hard for me to decide on, but in the end I think I've got it! So, I've liked my fair share of guys, including but not limited to, Rex Burkhead, Trevor Bayne, and many many more. So, of course, when I liked this last boy, I thought that this could maybe work. I had been told for quite some time that hey, you guys could maybe work out. And I had already felt something for him for a little while. Of course, I never had any feelings for him prior to this so it wasn't a big deal before.  But I decided that I would go for it and tell him.

Now, I just didn't jump right into this and tell him at some random moment. Oh, no. I planned it out to the T. I thought long and hard about how this would affect our friendship, because we were really good friends still when it happened. I planned it right before a four day weekend, so then if things went really bad there would be some time where we wouldn't have to see each other. I also did it at a place that I could leave right away, which was good too in case things got awkward. I was ready for this thing to go down, and I was generally sure that it wouldn't hurt our friendship in the long run.

So, it came the day. We were all headed out to the animal shelter and I was ready for it to happen. I was getting myself prepared and had talked to my friends throughout the day to make sure that things were going to be okay and they still thought I should go along with it. So, we were alone after walking a dog, and I decided this was the moment to do it. So, I basically told him that I had developed feelings for him that were more than a friend. Now, I had gone through what I thought was every possible response that he could have given me. From the super romantic "I feel the same about you!" to the "Oh, I would never EVER like you in that way, gross!" responses. But he didn't tell me either of those. He threw me for a loop because he turned to me and said, "You're lying!" Aca-scuse me? I was NOT expecting that one. So of course like the timid self I am in these situations, I told him I wasn't in a shy voice and drove my car off.

But, if I were to go back into this situation and re-do, I would have not run away. I would have given him a big bite on his you-know-what and given him one. I wouldn't have cared what happened after words, but I would have stayed and talked to him and about how that is not the way to respond to someone when they are doing the hardest thing possible for them to do. It's not like I said it in a joking way, he should know me well enough to know how I act when I am serious and nervous. I would have made sure my point was made and not backed down for once in my life.

All in all though, I don't regret doing what I did. I still don't think he for sure saw my feelings until awhile later, and when we talked about it the day after and things were awkward for quite some time there after. But we're still friends, we still hang out and it isn't awkward, but I don't think he fully grasped the fact that I was being serious. In fact, when I asked him another serious question, not about love this time, he still responded with the "you're lying" thing. It is not a response you should give someone, especially when it is as serious as it was. But hey, every girl has to get her heart hurt at some point in her life.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

No More Valentine's Day!

Even though America is only a few hundred years old, it has become a country full of its own tradtions. Some of those traditions are loved, but others should go die in a hole. In my own opinion, that one that should go die first off is (drumroll, please) Valentine's Day! It just so happens that this dreaded day Is coming up in just a few days. Double ugh! I hate this day for a number of reasons, which is odd considering I am a hopeless romantic.

First off, Valentine's Day is suppose to be based off of some saint. Well, in the lovely U S of A, it has basically become a holiday where couples or singles buy gifts for their significant other and are suppose to have some beautiful romantic dinner or something to celebrate. But honestly, what are we celebrating? Unless it happens to be your anniversary or something special, it is the exact same as every other day. Now I know some people are thinking that it's just like every other holiday, but most of the others have very good reasoning behind it, at least that is my personal opinion.

Secondly, Valentine's Day makes sure that people are put into two distinct groups. One of them is the "in a relationship or have a lover" group, those of whom tend to be happy. Of course they're going to be though! It's an excuse for a guy to buy a girl flowers or chocolates (or vise-versa). These people enjoy the day because they are reminded someone cares about them deeply. But then there is the other kind of group, the one I have found myself in. That would be the Forever Aloners. Now, that may seem kind of harsh, but we all know that if you are alone on Valentine's Day, you are reminded of it every single second of the day. And trust me, by 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it starts to get old. Thankfully, I have been lucky enough to have friends that are right there with me, but some people are not so lucky. These are the kind of people that use this day as an excuse to eat more chocolate than necessary and watch romantic movies alone. Yes, I have been known to be one of these people so I am allowed to hate.

Also, Valentine's Day sometimes turns into a nasty competition. Say Suzzy has a boyfriend Jonny, and he gets her a box of chocolate for this day. Now Suzzy's best friend Tala also happens to be dating someone, and he gets her a lovely diamond necklace. Suzzy gets jealous and who knows where her relationship goes from there. People get really jealous on Valentine's Day, and many of the people end up being crabby by the end of the day for no reason. I  say get rid of the day, celebrate your love on your own day, and for those single ladies out there, you don't have to feel bad!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Lies of Agriculture

I'll admit, I have not always been pro-agriculture. Back when I lived in New Hampshire  I was convinced that farmers were destroying our ecosystems and our environment. I have been one of the lucky people that have " seen the light" so to say. Unfortunately  that is what people seem to think when they don't know about agriculture  They focus instead on what the media seems to tell them, which of course usually focuses about the bad things that are happening at exception farms. Once they see that Jonny is mentally ill and locked up all of his dairy cows to die one day, they automatically conclude that this is how ALL farms are. This couldn't be further from the truth.

First off, I cannot stand PETA. Of course, I completely agree with the idea of animal welfare, which is that we treat animals humanely and make sure during the process of production that they are comfortable and have plenty of food, water, room, and the proper medication. However, I do most certainly not agree with animal rights, the idea that animals should be treated as humans, period. If we were not using these livestock animals for production or research, they would not exist. So instead of using animals to find a cure for AIDS, they are more concerned with the idea that these livestock animals, which in fact during the research process  are treated well, should not be used for research that could save thousands of human lives. HELLO! There is something seriously wrong here, considering we could be finding cures or medicine to help treat not only AIDS, but cancer and other live threatening diseases. Plus, PETA also likes to take any little bad thing that is done in agriculture and blow it up to make it seem like this happens everywhere. I do, however, believe that the PETA that means People Eating Tasty Animals is very correct.

Second, these types of organizations spread the kind of bad news that gets to everywhere. These are the types of organizations that will find a single bad incident and spread the news like wildfire. They are really just trying to make people believe exactly what they think no matter the cost it has. This leads to people to believe the common misconception that farmers are simply raising the animals to make a profit. That also could not be further from the truth. Yes farmers are trying to make money, but only like every other American that has a job. The majority of farmers do care about their animals and what they are doing for the world, but they also need to make money to support their family like every other person out there.

Of course, there are those kind of myths that people who do not know anything about agriculture are going to believe, and the corporation world takes advantage of that. Like the idea that brown eggs, if produced in the same way as white eggs, are healthier. The only difference is the price unless they are produced different. Or the idea that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, and there are many more. This is why I want to go into agriculture, because people only hear the bad side of the story a lot of the time, and I want to give them the other side.