Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Flaws in the Education System

In the past I have seriously thought about being a teacher.  I have some siblings that work in the education system and have learned a lot though. I think there are a whole mess of issues involving the system, starting in the public school systems all the way up to college. Knowing what I have learned recently about the system,  it makes me even more disappointed that somehow our country can't put together an education that works and produces at least semi-proficient results. This also boils into the way college is thought about.

I think I would like to start out with the primary and secondary schools of this county and how they are run. Most of the time, schools and kids are not performing up to the standards that need to be performed  In my learning  funding is one of the largest issues that schools face. Many of the times as well, the schools that need the funding and the help the most do not get it. This all started with the idea of what the No Child Left Behind Act would do, except it hasn't really helped all that much. Schools that were performing bad continuing to perform bad because they do not have the adequate resources to change and develop their schools.

Another issue I see in the education system is the way teachers are hired and the reason they stay hired. This whole idea of a 10-year teacher I do not find helpful at all. There needs to be a better way of assessing the teachers and their performances rather than basing a lot of the information by how long a teacher is spent somewhere. I personally don't think 10 year should happen until 8 or 10 years after the job, because honestly after 3 years you should not be considered safe. Also, I have seen instances where age is so much more important than skill is in the workforce, which it shouldn't be. There seriously needs to be a better way to assess the teachers in the school system, especially in the primary and secondary school.

Also, there are many issues that plague our education system in the post-secondary level as well. First off, I do not think that every person out there needs to get a 4-year degree in something. I think right now people think that the only way to be successful is to go 4-years in college and those people sometimes end up getting a degree in something that doesn't bring them anywhere. Kids need to learn more about trade and technical colleges or two-year degrees, because there are many many job opportunities out there for those kinds of trades.

I won't get too deep into this part but I will mention it. The cost of higher education is ridiculous  and the fact that normal people do not have the opportunity for many financial aid is just as ridiculous  What I do not understand whatsoever is where in the world is good financial aid for middle-class Americans whose parents cannot afford to pay for the education. There needs to be some serious value changes, because the fact that we don't get much help (even if you are great in school and community involvement  should not have to be a problem. There are just way too many things wrong.

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