Thursday, May 16, 2013

Farewell Medford

When I came to Medford about 5 years ago, I didn't really know what to expect. I was terrified with what was going to happen and honestly didn't want to move here at all. I hated the idea of making new friends and trying out new things. I was not motivated at all to try anything and it was a very dark time for me. Least to say, my days at Medford didn't start off all that great. Actually, they started off horrible.

Once I was here for a bit, I started making friends. No, they are not the people that I still hang out with today, but they were a start for me. I kind of went with the first people that said hello and were nice to me, which wasn't a whole lot. Let's face it, I was the strange kid that wore my sweatshirts zipped up to my neck in hopes of just hiding from this new world. I was happy I had people to sit with at lunch, but as time wore on I lost more and more of my old friends but couldn't seem to gain any new ones. I was having a pretty hard time with it.

But after 7th grade was finally overcame the start of a new year. This was the year I made the best decision of my life so far by joining the FFA. I was in the 8th grade exploratory and was forced to compete in the Small Animals CDE. Larson and Ovrebo started the process for me turning things around finally after so much struggle.

Since that first day in FFA, those two realized the potential I had, even when I didn't know it. I was an officer the year after, joined the poultry team, and started my amazing FFA career. I ended off my high school FFA career with a list of accomplishments, including my State Degree, Region Star in Agriscience, Top 3 in poultry at State, A world food prize internship and Region office. I could not have done any of that if it wasn't for those two people and everyone helping me along my way. It changed my life.

Looking back to all the memories my friends and I have had together, there are so many things that come to mind. All the dances, bonfires, and movie nights that we shared together. I can't believe that that kind of stuff is coming to an end. Our water fights were always a highlight just like prom. We had so many great times together and that made my high school career worth wild. We always had such a great time together.

As this whole transformation was occurring  I started to make some real friends that I would continue to be friends with until this day. I wouldn't trade anything for the friendships that I made throughout that 8th grade year. Even though there were some crazy issues with classic middle school drama, somehow we all made it through and are fine to this day.

Looking back, I don't know where I would be if I never moved here. But honestly, as much as people in the past have complained about Medford and everything that goes on here, I don't think I would trade any of it for the world. This place has forced me to grow and I think prepared me for the future as good as a high school career can. Even though there of course are some things that still bother me, it doesn't change the fact that this place did a lot of help.

So in the end, thank you Medford for the memories and life changes. Thank you for teaching me about what it means to want to try and do well. Thank you for letting me know that I can be successful no matter what happens. That even if I may fail, I can get back up from anything. Thank you for bringing my friends together and letting us make good choice throughout high school. Thanks for the seemingly endless nights and too long of days.Thank you for this, because I know I would not have had it another way. So long, and goodbye.

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