Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Easter

Easter is always one of my favorite times of the year. Kind of like Christmas, everyone always seems so happy and excited about it all. The mood in the house is always better and we just all seem to get along for the most part. I was really excited about this entire weekend, because I knew I got to go to a place I haven't been to in probably 8 years. And that lovely place was Chuck E Cheese. We took my two nephews, and had a blast. I felt like I was once again a seven year old with all of those tokens I had.

So getting to Easter, the day started out pretty good. We got up at a decent time because church wasn't until 10 that morning. We woke up to find our Easter baskets and the lovely candy enjoyments that we all got. We had our homemade Polish sausage that morning and soon everyone started to arrive at the house. It ended up being my parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, Mary, Kristi and her family, and Andy and his family. It was a pretty full house! So we all went to church together where my dad was singing that morning and enjoyed Easter mass.

We came back and soon had an Easter dinner consisting of steak, twice-baked potatoes, salad, bread, and fruit. For dessert, we had homemade cream puffs and the awesome bunny cake I had made the day before ( I was so proud of it). But, I have to say the highlight of the day was when we set out eggs for my 2 year old and 3 1/2 year old nephews. Even though they didn't have to go very far to find them, it was the coolest thing to see them collecting all of their eggs filled with candy, fruit snacks, and crackers. It was also priceless to see the look on their face when they would open up one of the eggs my grandpa had put money in. They were all so happy and excited. Drew, the younger of the two, was so excited that the minute he opened up an egg he would eat everything inside of it. It was priceless!

Of course, by the end of the day everyone was pretty tuckered out. My older sister, Kristi, said that she wasn't feeling that great when she left and was ready to return home. That is when the cycle of the stomach flu started and passed to basically every member of my family, including me, regardless which house they were living in. That wasn't the way I had hoped to end this weekend by being off of school for another day and living on saltine crackers and Gatorade. Epic sadface.

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