Also, many times when were watching then news, my grandfather will be watching it with us as well. I really do love him, but many times I wouldn't say we get blamed for it but it's stressful explaining to him that we are safe and things like that have never happened around here and so on. Sometimes its all good, but there are those touchy subjects that just don't bring out the best of people. I also notice with a negative of the news that sometimes it does cause my family and I to argue a little bit. I am the weird child that doesn't agree with half of the things that my family thinks is right. So of course when those issues start it gets difficult to keep my mouth shut about things. I have learned though.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The News in my House
Also, many times when were watching then news, my grandfather will be watching it with us as well. I really do love him, but many times I wouldn't say we get blamed for it but it's stressful explaining to him that we are safe and things like that have never happened around here and so on. Sometimes its all good, but there are those touchy subjects that just don't bring out the best of people. I also notice with a negative of the news that sometimes it does cause my family and I to argue a little bit. I am the weird child that doesn't agree with half of the things that my family thinks is right. So of course when those issues start it gets difficult to keep my mouth shut about things. I have learned though.
A Day with Mr. Kim
Now, I don't know what has been up of Mr. Kim Jong Un's pants lately, but to be completely honest I am really getting sick of all of his "I'm going to decimate the world!" talk. It's stupid because I hope he knows that if he tries that will be then end of it for him. I think that he needs someone from the outside to sit down and have a serious talk with him about what the heck is going on. Of course, then they need to lighten the mood for him. If I had a day with Mr. Kim, it would probably go like the following:
The first thing I think I would do with Mr. Kim would be to sit down and have a ravishing cup of tea with the fellow. Tea has a tendency to calm most people down, so I figure why not. Also, I may just be able to grant him some outsider knowledge about how great the rest of the world is doing compared to North Korea. Of course, I wouldn't jump in right away with dissing because they still have some interesting weapons over there. Tea time would help to ease things in and get to know him a little bit.
Of course with Mr. Kim, I think we would need to do something so random to get his tired little mind off of the war that he kind of wants to start. I think that we should go zip-lining or something super random just to get the adrenaline going in his mind. It would be a way to vamp him up for a little bit. Then, I think that he should take me shopping, hopefully if there are places for us to go shopping together so then I can get some nice North Korean artifacts before someone decides to nuke them. I think we would have lunch and then go into the afternoon.
Since they were blocked off from some of the world, I bet he has no idea that the dance of Gangnam Style started in South Korea. I think it would be a great way to end the lovely day that we had spent together. So I would teach him this very insane and lovely dance, and then we would go up in front of the entire North Korean government and people, and dance it. Of course, South Korea would recognize this as peace and want to talk more to North Korea, creating a very lovely end to their awful war. World peace!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
My Easter
So getting to Easter, the day started out pretty good. We got up at a decent time because church wasn't until 10 that morning. We woke up to find our Easter baskets and the lovely candy enjoyments that we all got. We had our homemade Polish sausage that morning and soon everyone started to arrive at the house. It ended up being my parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, Mary, Kristi and her family, and Andy and his family. It was a pretty full house! So we all went to church together where my dad was singing that morning and enjoyed Easter mass.

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